>I got no argument when I asked for my homeocysteine.

You're one lucky man.  I got an argument and, last week, a bill for $136!  I
kid you not.  The doctor I saw (for all of 10 seconds had I not requested
three "unecessary" tests and enjoyed a verbal sparring match) was ON my
provider list but the idiots at Great-West sent me a bill, anyway.  The
billl also indicated I didn't pay the co-pay but I had.  So I called 'em up
and scared the holy hell out of the poor soul who answered the call but
they're sorry and they'll update my file.  I surprised even myself at how
nasty I was but they deserved it.  Tom, I see where you're coming from but
given the full Monty, the people I dealt with deserved any and hell I can
give 'em.  The doctorette who saw me forgot to put the order for the
forgotten tests in my file so I went there and had THREE PEOPLE tell me I
couldn't have the test before the lab director cleaned up the whole mess.  I
could write a book on the idiocy to which I bore witness.  Livin' in a
cave's lookin' better by the minute.


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