On a related note, anyone else find it interesting that, in most states, you
can get abortion-on-demand but you ask to see (gasp!) something like
homocystiene or CRP (God help us!!) and they all but sh*t a brick?  I once
had an insurance plan which covered abortion but NOT birth control pills!
Please let me say I learned this when another co-worker went to see a
woman's "favorite" (NOT!) doctor to go on the pill only to learn the above
and tell us all at the water cooler.  We were mad as hell.  Don't want
anyone to think I know for some (ahem) other reason.

Let's see, how this is Paleolithic.......  Oh!  Okay.  If we were
hunter-gatherers, we wouldn't be as miffed since we'd all be &$#% healthy
and wouldn't be getting pregnant as often.  A stretch, I know, but gotta
cover the back 40.

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

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