Mr Sallah,
We thank you very much for the clarifications, and wish you had never found
it necessasry to react to Mr Jallow's antics.
Our stance forever in the follow words:
                                  NO RETREAT, NO SURRENDER!
Omar Joof.

>From: "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: From Halifa
>Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2003 05:07:28 -0400
>The exchanges are  instructive.There exists an information vacuum which
>Ebou is exploiting. I will try my best to fill in the gap . I hope Ebou
>would be  moved by the realisation that i have nothing against him. We
>simply happen to belong to the same nation. He has every right to promote
>the party of his choice . What i am simply calling for is decency in our
>political conduct. I would assume that Ebou whose mother held me in high
>confidence when she was being terroried by disinformation campaign of the
>very regime he is defending would not be a party to any disinformation
>campaign. Ebou may contact his brother LAMIN to find out the views  of his
>mother about me before her death. He may also contact his uncle who was
>detained without trial  for years warranting my intervention in contacting
>the solicitor general after an appeal by his mother and brother. I  want
>Ebou to realise that while he was attacking me for not leading an uprising
>against the Jammeh regime i was  having close contact with his family in
>their times of need. It is fair for Ebou to expose any conduct or
>conception that i harbour that makes me unfit to hold any public office.
>However i will not tolerate any character assasination from him. In my next
>posting i will give clear information regarding our battle against Jammeh's
>political indecency and deception.
>The veil controversy which is  the by-product of Jammeh's immature style of
>leadership will be clarified.
>Jammeh is really desperate. He is about to introduce a bill to amend the
>constitution in order to get rid the second round of voting. If the bill
>succeeds, the person with the highest number of votes automatically becomes
>president even if he or she has less than 50% of the votes cast. As you can
>see, he is paving the way for a coalition of parties for an alternative
>government in the first round. There is no need for despair. The mood in
>the country is for change. What we need is enlightened, mature and decent
>politics on the part of parties for an alternative government.
>Halifa Sallah
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