Mr Jallow,
I fear the Allmighty Allah so much that am always careful of whatever word I
utter that has to do with others. Are you not the Ebou Jallow who left the
Gambia with public money that you put away in some swiss bank account? Are
you not the one who at some point agreed that you have some money which you
intend to give back to a genuine goverment of the people of the Gambia when
such a government comes into being? If the answer to each of these questions
is negative, then I accept that I owe you an apology, which I'll not
hesitate to render immediately.
As per character assasination, I still consider myself a student activist,
and that has never been part of our vocabulary. Besides, all I know about
you is strickly in the public domain and be rest assured that there is
nothing personal in my criticisms.
Omar Joof.

>From: Ebou Jallow <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Open Letter To Gambians
>Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2003 00:20:45 -0400
>You response is loaded with allegations...allegations not facts.
>What "crimes or sins" did I ever attest to?  A good Muslim should never
>slander another human being.  Please check your facts next time before
>you go on another campaign of character assasination.
>Ebou Jallow
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