There are strategic advantages that small firms have over the other kind. Plumbing doesn't seem to be one of them. There is so much to learn. Its best that one enjoy learning. The tuition is paid for with things like jug-flushing and payment waiting. Its an adventure, hang on tight and go for the ride! -jc On Saturday, July 5, 2003, at 03:49 PM, Ken Follett wrote: ArialYou went big time right from the start, with an orfice and everything.  It makes you look like a big success. John, Our office is such a small dismal affair that unless you are a subscriber to BP we would be afraid to have a visit. It took us a week to figure out our street address. We are still flushing the lopsided toilet with a jug of water, in the dark. One really good hurricane and we would be gone. My mother's card reader told me I'm too young to worry so much... my comment was that I've done it this long I don't see any good reason to change now. I told her when I worry too much I work and I feel better. Problem is right now I can't tell when I'm working and when I'm not -- which was what having a separate office was supposed to be about. ][<