Theola <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>The 91-year-old doctor who is doing the chelation therapy on the woman I
>know who has ovarian cancer took her off all dairy.  Of all the doctors
>she's seen since being diagnosed and having received all the usual
>treatments (surgery, chemo, radiation), he's the first to address dietary

How old is she and how's she doing if I may ask?

>Back when Gilda Radner died of ovarian cancer--when was that, late 80's?--I
>read several times that yogurt consumption was linked to ovarian cancer,
>and that Radner herself ate a lot of yogurt.

I guess the yogurt Radner ate was made out of pasteurized milk or it was
lowfat or from non old-fashioned cows or from cows fed an impr
oper diet or
a combination of these factors.
