On Sat, 5 Jul 2003 18:51 C. ten Broeke wrote:

>Does anyone know a book by John Seymour called:
>The Self Sufficient Life and How to Live It?
>It's supposed to be about how to live selfsufficient
>and I'd be interested to read it.  It's on
>order by Amazon but I'd like an opinion
>if it's worth it.

I have not seen this particular book, but I have copies of other books by
Seymour.  I met him in Bristol in 1978.  All his books are inspirational
and most are gloriously illustrated.

I don't think any provide enough information on their own to become self-
sufficient, but they do give you the motivation and drive to learn enough
from more specialized sources and from practice.

Seymour is not Paleo and his food philosophy similar to that
in "Nourishing Traditions". His books are basically a return to mid-
century rural England, but Seymour himself has had international
experience including a few years in Kenya.

I have never met anyone disappointed in his books - providing their
expectations are realistic.  I could not recommend a better place to start!
