Kathryn Rosenthal <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>> Ray Audette/Neanderthin says dairy is the least problematic of the
>>forbidden foods.
>Perhaps.  Yet, women who have had breast cancer and are on the alternative
>breast cancer list know to never consume dairy.

Have these women ever tried raw fullfat milk or raw milk products from
healthy, old-fashioned, pasture fed cows? My guess is that they haven't.

>Dr. Jane Plant, London, cured her breast cancer by
>eliminating all dairy from her diet; she wrote a book about it.

I have read one of her articles but I haven't read her book. My impression
is that she consumed different kinds of denatured milk products, like most
westerners probably, and got rid of her ilness
 by eliminating these
commodities from her diet. If that's true, which I believe is the case,
then condemning all dairy is plainly illogical.

>My family is from the Netherlands where dairy is an important part of the
>diet.  I grew up hooked on dairy and it is difficult for me to be paleo.
>But it's worth it.

I grew up with dairy all around me, both raw and pasteurized. Most of the
time I didn't like milk. I drank kefir and ate cheese. Now I'm on a semi
paleo diet, because sometimes, very seldom, I consume some raw milk or raw
fermented milk or raw cheese. (I also eat my own rye sourdough bread, once
a month or so.) If you crave dairy you're probably lacking something. I
don't think it's the opioids.
