Sandra-is  your son anaphylatic to both milk and soy? If so, I think some soy allergic people have a problem with the mono and di glycerides in the Fleishman's milk free margarine (and most margarines.)

I've used Spectrum's Natural Organic Shortening - only ingredient is palm oil.  I've only baked with it but I know some people on the soy forum put it on toast-it's white.  Look for this in Whole Foods and other health food stores.

Jeane (I don't usually respond to this list because I'm intoleranct to dairy/soy/gluten/legumes/corn/eggs.)  Just dairy and soy are still very tough to avoid.


>From: Sandra <[log in to unmask]>
>I have a 15-mth. old son that as an anaphylatic allergy to milk products.
>I've noticed many recipes in the FAAN cookbook list milk-free/soy-free
>margarine as an ingredient. I've looked everywhere in my local grocery
>stores to find this, but with no luck. Am I looking in the wrong place,
>or is there a certain brand I should look for? Thank you for taking the
>time to help me with this.

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