<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

The American Celiac Task Force (ACTF) website is now operational. We are
located at: www.celiaccenter.org/taskforce.asp 20

The goal of the ACTF is to improve our nation's food labeling laws for
the benefit of those with celiac disease. Through the joint efforts of
research institutions, support organizations and industry
representatives, we will be able to present a strong unified voice for
labeling reforms that will benefit all persons with celiac
disease/gluten intolerance.

We need you to join our members and TAKE ACTION . Go to our website,
follow the TAKE ACTION links. Sign-up to receive updates on food
labeling legislation, and activities of the ACTF. Send an e-letter to
your legislators to educate them about celiac disease, and the need for
improved food labels. Add a Web-sticker to your website, to generate
support from others!

Add your voice, so that celiacs are heard!

Andrea S. Levario
Co-Chair, Legislative Project
American Celiac Task Force
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*Please provide references to back up claims of a product being GF or not GF*