Hello List,

At my regular "day: job, I just received a notice from MS dealing with
the "retirement" of Windows 98.  Obviously, it is also an advertisement
to promote the sale of XP Pro.

I thought I would pass it's message on to the list members for
information purposes only.
The items in ( ) are my comments.

New information for OEMs: (OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer)

*effective August 1, 2003, full version OEM licenses for Windows 98SE
cannot be obtained through the OEM channel.

*effective April 1, 2004, full version Windows 98SE System Builder
licenses cannot be obtained through the System Builder channel. (which I
believe is the "DSP" packages that can be bought from authorized MS
software distributors)

Customer FAQ:
* After August 1, 2003 , how can I get Windows 98SE preinstalled on a
new PC by my OEM?
        - Purchase a new PC Licensed for Windows XP Professional and
utilize the Windows XP    Professional EULA Downgrade rights.  (program
in place to order machines with XP Pro    but have older software first
installed, for ease of migration to XP)

* After August 1, 2003, is my OEM still allowed to use a Windows 98SE
OPK to install the downgrade image?
        - NO, the end user must supply the windows 98 image, then may
either go to the OEM for          installation or install the 98SE image

"Windows 98 will end of life Completely in July of 2003, and no tech
support will be available after that time."

Thanks and have a Great Day!

Joe Lore

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