<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear Listmembers:  Can anyone help this lady?

Thanks for your continued support.

Vi Orloff
CDF Connections
Original Message
From: G.J.Meijburg=20

My name is Margaret and I'm from the Netherlands. My 12 year old
daughter has Celiac and needs to stick to a gluten free diet. We are a
member of the Dutch Celiac Association and I'am wondering if I can buy
glutenfree products like glutenfree pasta's and cookies or glutenfree
flower for baking, in regular supermarkets like Safeway or something
like that. Here at home I can either order them or buy them in the
bigger supermarkets.

I'm starting my trip in Vancouver B.C. and then Victoria B.C. and I'll
be traveling around tru Alberta and the the US Idaho, Oregon Washington.

Can you help me and tell me where I can buy these product so I don't
have to take it with me from home.

Sincerely,  Margaret Meijburg

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