I feel rather honored - I've just had a reply from Microsoft :--))

Yes, a genuine, direct-to-me reply from a real Microsoft person - wow.

The subject matter is even more wow.  This is in response to my request for
clarification about the exact date of the withdrawal of W98 support.  The
wording between the quote marks is verbatim.

"Microsoft will offer paid incident support on Windows 98/98 SE through
January 16, 2004. Windows 98/98 SE downloads for existing security issues
will continue to be obtainable through normal assisted support channels at
no charge during this time. Customers can request Windows 98/98 SE fixes for
new security issues and these requests will be reviewed.  Fixes for any new
security issues can be specifically requested through normal assisted
support channels.  Web-based self-help support will be available for at
least one year after assisted support has concluded. Mainstream support for
Windows 98/98 SE ended on June 30th 2002, and no-charge incident support and
extended hotfix support ends on June 30th 2003"

Ok, all you semanticists and translators of gobbledeygook - have I misread
it or does this indeed mean that the normal W98 support we're all used to,
(patches, fixes, security updates etc) will be available until January 16,

Read it slowly.  It seems to say: Paid support until January 16, 2004.
Assisted support to the same date. Web-based self help support for a year
after that.

Yes?  No?  Or what?

Ian Porter
Computer Guys Inc.
New Zealand
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