At 3:05 5/24/03, Fredrik Murman wrote:
>On Fri, 23 May 2003 23:22:14 -0700, ginny wilken <[log in to unmask]>
>>Because of our artifices, we are the
>>only species ever to be presented with bad choices in diet;
>What about the different bird species around our local McDonald restaurant,
>eating leftovers at the outdoor tables and on the ground whenever possible?
>There's plenty of nature nearby, but it's more convenient to get the food
>from the restaurant.

Of course you're correct. There are also many other scavengers, including
bears, coyotes, wolves, rodents, as well as our poor dogs, who voluntarily
followed us into dietary hell, and the stock animals we developed. It's all
too easy to tempt the natural instincts of taste with unnatural offerings.
But we are to blame for their delusions, and this still angers me. They all
trusted us, just as do the children who grow up and say to you, "But isn't
this (rice, milk, whole wheat, etc.) GOOD to eat?".


All stunts performed without a net!