On Sun, 25 May 2003 22:43 ... Thomas Bridgeland ... wrote:

>I chewed food for my kids, but it grossed everyone
>else out so I did it when they were not around.
>Some kids want food early and some don't.

>...It is pretty individual, and cultures vary
>widely. Follow the kid and your own feelings.

First, congratulations, Alex!

Second, yes, follow the kid and try not to get worried when she/he isn't

Third, apply Tom's 'follow the kid' advice more widely.  For example,
providing time for bonding, don't get carried away with lots of pretty
(non-Paleo, devised for profit) clothing that constrains the baby's
freedom to move.

Fourth, get hubby to
take a big role in the chores.  For example, with
both mine, Angela used to breast feed them around midnight and she never
had to get out of bed: I'd change the nappy and give her the clean baby
for her role.  (The baby was in our bedroom, sometimes in our bed.)  I
also did about 90% of the laundry

Fifth, remember that caffeine goes through in the breast milk and will
disturb a baby's sleep.

Sixth, looking into the future, no pram - never!  (Prams etc. are for
parents' benefit, not the child's)  Use a back pack/papoose for as long as
you can, then carry the toddler on dad's shoulders and allow her/him to
walk as much as possible and as early as they want.  Worked for both ours
and they have been walkers and cyclists ever since, never depending on the
family car for short distances.

Finally, kids grow fast!  They'll grow out of clothing, basinettes etc. so
st that these are not worth spending much money on (if you can get away
with this approach with your own mother - the new grandparents!).

Keep us posted!
