I don't think I've ever seen a mention of 'The Perricone Prescription' on
this llist, and was wondering if anyone here has read the book or tried the

Dr Perricone is a dermatologist who created this diet to eliminate
inflammation at the cellular level, primarily to improve the skin, but it
works everywhere. The diet is mostly fish and chicken with selected
vegetables and fruits and a small amount of nuts, the goal being to
eliminate anything that can cause inflammation. Daily foods are divided into
3 meals and 2 snacks. He emphasizes proper amounts of healthy fats and
proteins, low carbs from mostly green vegetables, limited fruit.

I heard about this diet from a friend and decided to try it just to see what
would happen. After a few weeks, I had to go out and buy smaller pants (to
replace the ones I'd bought right before the diet that were now falling off
my hips) and people I hadn't seen for a while were falling over themselves
to tell me how great I looked.

I'm reading the book, but you can get the basics on the diet at

Scroll down and click either '3-day wrinkle cure' or 'complete diet' for a
summary of the diets. The book has before and afters for both, and some of
them are pretty amazing.


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