Hi -

I'm glad you found this listserv.  It sounds like your son has had a rough
time, but the worst should be over now that you've got a diagnosis.

First of all, don't be scared.  Being milk-free isn't so difficult once you
get used to it.  You'll get used to getting safe foods at the grocery store,
dealing with schools and birthday parties successfully, and finding alternative
sources of calcium.  And fortunately, your son doesn't have an immediate,
life-threatening reaction to milk protein, so while mistakes will be
unpleasant, you won't have the additional worry that your son might not
survive one.

My web site has lots of practical information for the beginner, and links
to other useful web sites. (It's listed in my signature.)  I include menus
for the beginner and ingredient lists for shoppers.

I hope this helps.  Congratulations on finally figuring out what was wrong!
--Beth Kevles
  [log in to unmask]
  http://web.mit.edu/kevles/www/nomilk.html -- a page for the milk-allergic
  Disclaimer:  Nothing in this message should be construed as medical
  advice.  Please consult with your own medical practicioner.