
What's your son interested in studying at college?  I work with a former resident of TX who might be able to shed light on why education there is good -- she always talks about her education privately (I THINK she graduated from UT).

Scott Sands
5604 S. 297th St.
Auburn WA 98001
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----Original Message Follows----
From: ken barber <[log in to unmask]>
Reply-To: "St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: climate in texas was: Addressing an ad-hominm and asking for welcome...
Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 14:36:51 -0700
got two more years before bj is a high school
graduate. he says "i don't want to go to texas. i have
been telling him that there are good colleges in
texas. texas pan american is right there in mcallen.
the u of t, texas a & m to name a few.
--- "BG Greer, PhD" <[log in to unmask]>wrote:
> Ken,
> I am not sure of the relationship between the
> amount of rainfall and
> humidity. Also, the last time I was near the valley
> was in 1980 in Zapata 90
> miles up river from McAllen. The was the hottest
> summer on record as well as the
> driest. Near the end,
> there was a hurricane off Brownsville and folks
> were having prayer meetings
> to bring the hurricane inland! Off hand I would say
> it was drier than the
> coast of Florida and it usually cools of at night,
> which is different from Memphis
> or Atlanta.
> The people here are great. Come on down!
> Bobby
> > i find it hard to find a chart of year round
> humidity.
> > this list has been able to answer many questions.
> i
> > find that mcallen has about half as much rain as
> coral
> > gables florida. would that translate into half as
> much
> > humidity or can that conclusion be faulty? .
> >
> >
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