<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi all-

I decided to try to find out about the relationship between Teflon (R)
coatings/cookware and gluten. I went to the source and they took the=20
query very seriously. Their reply is below. If you have any questions =

let me know and I will work to get them answered.

Michael Thorn
email: [log in to unmask]

After discussing with our R&D Chemist, we do not believe that there is
an issue with the "porous" structure of a fluoropolymer film, like a
TeflonAE non-stick coating, and embedded allergents. The fluoropolymer
film on fry pans is formed from sintered polytetrafluoroethylene and the
melt flow of a copolymer. It is not a perfectly smooth film but it does
not contain sizable voids that foods can be captured and held. Oils have
been known to caramelize on the film and stain the fry pan coating. This
is usually caused by very high heat cooking and can be minimized with
proper cleaning.

Residues from foodstuffs that contain gluten will not be left on the
film after cooking. Gluten is a macromolecule made up of a mixture of
individual proteins classified in two groups, plolamines and glutelins.
The prolamine, alpha-gliaden, is considered the major problem in celiac
disease. However, no residual "proteins" from the gluten should be in
any "void" of the film. Also, when glutens break down they form complex
carbohydrates. I have no data to support this opinion but I can also
comment that I have never heard of any issues surrounding this gluten
aspect on fluoropolymer films either.

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