That's 1.5 pounds per week.  In 32 weeks (8 months) she'll lose the 50
pounds.  Bet her clothes fit better already.

She may need supplemental potassium (or Mortin's No-Salt).

Her neuroreceptors need time to upregulate to the lower beta-endorphin
priming of sugars/starches.

A probiotic might help if intestinal yeast are dying off.


> My husband's secretary, a Seventh Day Adventist (sugar-laden, junk foodie)
> vegetarian for the past 15 years, went on the Atkins Diet 2 weeks ago.
> paleo, for sure, but a vast improvement over what she has been eating.
> says she's been staying at induction level but has only lost 3 lbs.
> venture a guess why the weight's not dropping off?  She's about 50 lbs
> overweight.  Everyone else I've known who had a significant amount to lose
> usually dropped pretty fast.   She still has carb-cravings, but I think
> may be psychological/habit, since she says she's not hungry (to me a
> positive sign that she really is keeping carbs real low).