"By the way, does Amoxil have dairy ingredients?

I couldn't find out if it contains dairy but did find the following:

Side effects may include: 
Agitation, anemia, anxiety, changes in behavior, colitis, confusion,
convulsions, diarrhea, dizziness, hives, hyperactivity, insomnia, liver
problems and jaundice, nausea, peeling skin, rash, tooth discoloration in
children, vomiting.

Also, when I was concerned that my son was dairy allergic it took a LONG
time before I could get his Pediatrician to believe me and run tests.  If
you think this is the situation, don't just take your Pediatrician's word
for things - they don't know everything even though we would like to believe
they do!  Insist on allergy testing.

Good Luck!  Debby