>Most of all I am thankful to all of you for staying the course and
> >providing useful information so I could recover,  I and my family owe you
>all more than I could repay.

Wow, Jeff, I had no idea what you went through.  I feel honored to know you.
  If anything, WE are the priveledged ones, priveledged that we mean a
little something to you.

BTW, May 3rd marks the 10th anniversary of my brain surgery, kind of a big
deal if I may say so.  I was told to write my will back then, that there was
a one in ten shot "things won't work out."  The whole world changes when you
go through something like that.  It's a wonderful place, despite the pain
and injustices around us.  Live life well; it's worth it, oh, so worth it.

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

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