TO Gambians in the Diaspora & Friends of The Gambia:

Since I posted "Guidelines" for a "Save The Gambia Fund/Association," a few
days ago, Many good suggestions were made on both the Post and G-L.  I also
received email and phone calls privately.  The bulk of them have been very
positive and I'm encouraged by the responses.  In sum, the suggestions are:

* Expand the membership to include Gambians and friends that may not have
access to the Internet;

*  Provide a more flexible payment plan, especially for those who would like
to pay yearly;

*  Give due considration to potential members who, because of their
employment industry and job situation, may not be able to keep up with their

*  Consider the privacy concerns of potential members who wish to pledge and
do not wish to have their names published;

*  Consider potential members who are already committed to a political
party; and

* A few who believe that the whole idea should be dropped because of
pre-existing organizations with similar goals.

I believe that all these suggestions have merit and should, therefore, be
considered carefully.  Allow me, then, to thow out a few ideas at you.

With Regard to expanding membership to include those not having access to
the internet, several suggestions to include these individuals were made to
me as well.  One that was compelling was the creation of "Committees of
Five" individuals in states and cities with large Gambian communities.
These committees will in turn spread the word, seek support and commitment
from those unconnected to the net.  The "Committees of five" will then serve
as the conduit between those on the net and those who are not.  As we speak,
discussions are underway in Denver, CO and Atlanta, GA to create such links.
  Should any one wish to undertake such activity in their community, let us

*For members who wish to make one yearly payment, instead of the monthly or
quarterly payment, please do so.

*  For potential members whose job situation(s) may force them to fall
behind on their contributions, the suggestion is that you pledge a modest
amount like $2 or $3 a month to be paid quarterly or monthly.  And when the
job situation improves, you can always increse your contribution.  This way,
you remain in good-standing.  We look down on no pledge.  Every pledge,
however small helps.  A low pledge does not limit participation in

*  If you do not wish to have your name published as a member, your wish
will be honored;

*  Potential members who are committed to a political party should still
support that party and make contributions to that party accordingly.  These
committed party members are also encouraged to pledge $2,$3,$5 or whatever
they can, to the "Save The Gambia Fund/Assoc."

*  For those who believe that the idea should be dropped because of
pre-existing organizations geared to similar goals, I say to them, let those
organizations continue the good work they are doing.  We are not working
against them but with them.  And that this new strategy to raise funds for
2006 and beyond has already generated considerable interest and pledges for
the next forty months and beyond.  The creation of "SAVE THE GAMBIA
FUND/ASSOCIATION" is also a reaction to the failed fund-raising efforts for
the 2001 elections.

With these suggestions, I hope that I have been able to address some of the
concerns raised.  The principle behind this fund raising scheme does not
necessarily rest on a large membrship.  It rests on "The Committed Few."  It
hinges on pledging a minimum amount over a long period of time.  It also
rests on flexibility and affordability, $2-$25 for the next forty months and
possibly longer.  Also, there is no compulsion to join.  If you wish to make
a difference and help bring about peaceful democratic change in The Gambia,
we welcome you.  I am also not assuming that membership to this FUND/ASSOC
is the only way to show concern or to help bring about peaceful democratic
change at home.  Many organizations exist that may more readily suit your
needs and ideas.  If that is the case work with them.

This is getting much longer than I wanted and it is getting late.  Thank
you, and as I said before, your suggestions are welcome.


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