well, mag, i agree with isreal on this. if they are percieved as weak, they
would be pushed into the sea.

-----Original Message-----
From: Magenta Raine
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: 4/10/2003 4:52 PM
Subject: Re: Important: Letters on the future of Iraq

Ah! OK, you were joking, I missed that.  Sadly, I had exposed to an
of Arab thinking when I was in High school, not directly, but it made me
understand the problem.  It involved a friend's friend who worked at
exceptional children's home, and her Arab boyfriend, and when she wanted
break it off  he killed her as well as a wonderful man who also worked
at the
home that she wanted to date. My dad, the psychologist, explained it as;
you tell an Arab something like I don't want to go out with you anymore,
can't just say, "I'm sorry it's over." you have to say, "Don't ever come
me again or I'll have my brothers and my father kill you."   and it is
Israel feels a need to retaliate so hard each time they get Hit.


I am available to do writing, editing, reporting, designing jobs,
business cards, etc. I am also a disability rights activist.