kat, they have not got over the election in florida.

-----Original Message-----
From: Kat
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: 4/5/2003 8:07 AM
Subject: Re: Important: Letters on the future of Iraq

I'm not all that pro-Bush but I must say, I'm wondering why you seem=20
to be so ready to believe anything negative about him.  It's as if=20
you (and several other people I know) aren't ready to give him room=20
to do his job, which is to protect this country, and it's had to be a=20
priority since 9/11.  I do have my doubts about the link between=20
Saddam and Bin Laden, but I'd say getting rid of the sadistic=20
dictator and his two death-squad sons are not a bad thing, given=20
their history of terror.

I'm not sure if we really need to see Saddam as a threat to the US,=20
but now that we're over there and it's a done deal, I'm supporting=20
us.  Remember that Pat Conroy said, "I support America, even when=20
she's wrong."

I was horrified to hear of the injuries the rescued POW sustained;=20
it's as if she'd been severely beaten and several bones broken in the=20
process.  I give full kudos to the Iraqi lawyer who risked his life=20
and his family's to save her.

I'd say the people going to Iraq as voluntary human shields are=20
wearing rose-coloured glasses as to chances of survival.  Saddam=20
won't hestitate to use them and the coalition certainly isn't  going=20
to let them get in the way of achieving their goal of capturing=20
Baghdad.  I'm sure by ignoring orders for US and UK ciivilians to=20
stay out of Iraq, they've burned their bridges.  I sympathise with=20
the protestors but think they're being rather stupid.  The most=20
effective way to protest is at the ballot box.


On Friday 04 April 2003 11:09 pm, you wrote:
> My cousin says the us censorship is worse than the Chinese
> censorship right now.
> M.