Message-ID: <[log in to unmask]>

Obviously there are as many answers as there are "blinks"
Most of the "Blinks" I know and work with have a very off hand
attitude about all these terms.

We call our selves blinks, bats, and "thosee who live and breathe
in the world of darkness."  (over dramatizing with tongues in
cheeks of course).

About the only phrase I and most of those I know truly hate is
"visually challenged!"

A challenge is something one takes on with free will.  If there
are folks who take on blindness with free will, I don't want to
know them.  Challenged is, for me, something social workers use
when they are trying to lay a guilt trip on one who is not being
a nice cooperative little blind one as they desire.

end diatribe <G>

Of course there is no completely correct answer to your question.

big help ain't I <GRIN>

Tom Fowle
"Lights out blind"
Smith-Kettlewell RERC
San Francisco

Net-Tamer V 1.12.0 - Registered

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