> The protesters in San Francisco have been holding up traffic
> all day. This is NOT the way to do it, in my opinion

You 're right, Mag, holding up traffic is not the way to protest, as it's
too dangerous for the protesters and traffic.  Unfortunately I can see
tempers rising and someone's going to get hurt.  And I'm sure in holding up
traffic, the police will be called in and there could  be violence.  Not a
peaceful demonstration in the name of peace. Not to mention it's illegal.

I think we need to concentrate on getting out of Iraq ASAP and make sure
things are running smoothly at home.  We need to make sure our social
programs and environmental programs don't get swept away in the monies
allocated for the war as I think there's a real danger of us getting too
distracted to keep an eye on things here at home.
And if you don't like what Bush is doing in Iraq, don't go to the streets;
instead start working now on getting him elected out of office in 2004.
