Hi George,

There is a bank of jumpers in front of the memory slots (on the front edge
of the motherboard) that needs to be shorted if you are using DDR memory.
They use long blocks of jumpers, and I noticed that when I changed them on
one of the boards I worked on that some of the inner metal pieces that
actually create the short between the jumpers came out.  I had to carefully
reinsert them before putting the jumpers back on.  The friend I was helping
had the same problem.

Also, there is a little jumper between the SDRAM and DDR memory banks that
needs to be removed.  When jumpered it uses 3.3v for the memory, and when
open 2.5v.  DDR is 2.5v memory.  This can cause the same problem.

Hope this helps.

Kyle Elmblade
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>From: GeorgeMary <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: [PCBUILD] New Build will not start
>Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2003 18:19:58 -0700
>Original message*************
>I am putting together a 1.8 MHz celeron, ECS P4VXASD2+ motherboard, DDR
>256Meg PC2100, GigaByte AG32S AGP video card.  So far all I have installed
>are these parts.  The fans spin and the power light comes on, but no
>display.  All I get are beeps.  First one, then 8, then 2, then 1.  The
>board has AMIbios.  I did a search on the codes and thought that they were
>saying something about memory or video card.  I changed the position of the
>memory, and reseated the video card. I also rechecked jumpers and looked
>possible shorts mounting the MB.  All parts are new, but looks like one at
>least is bad.  Does anyone have any ideas on how to narrow it down(I might
>be able to  find a machine to check memory, but don't know about the video
>card, since it is AGP), or does anyone know what the beeps are telling me?
>I took all the parts to Frys electronics in PHX and much to my amazement,
>they all checked out individually.  They only thing that I didn't take in
>and check out was the new case.  I'll check the voltages on the power
>connection tomorrow and if they check OK, I'll hook up the MB on a piece of
>foam to make sure I don't have any shorts to the case that I couldn't see
>before.  Any other suggestions will be entertained.  THX
>George&Mary Skokan ([log in to unmask])

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