>When I don't eat grains or sugar, and stay fairly low-carb, I am *never*
>ill, even when everyone around me is laid low.

This was touched on in an earlier post so know at least one person will
disagree with me but I'll state it, nonetheless; researchers have yet to
find proof of an autoimmune disorder among either the remains of
pre-agricultural-revolution humans OR modern hunter-gatherers.  Germ-borne
illnesses, yes but no heart disease, obesity, diabetes, cancer, MS,
rheumatoid arthritis, nothing.  Elimination of various phytoproteins
(proteins found in plants) allows the autoimmune system to concentrate on
germs.  Over the last six years, the worst I've done is a runny nose (unless
an infected molar counts - don't even get me started on that!).  Enjoy your
good health!

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

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