Unfortunately, I had every side effect that was listed. I can say that botox
has helped me. Everybody is different. I know baclofen helps many people
with no ill effects. It would be my guess that the pump is more  efficient.

-----Original Message-----
From: Cherie Clark [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2003 3:54 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: TWO ISSUES: Baclofen and scooters

Hi everyone --

I=B9m wondering if anyone is taking Baclofen (either in pill form or via the
pump) for spasticity or spasms?   Is it working for ya or not (especially
the pump)?   Has anyone had problems (especially with the pump)?

I started taking the pill form in November and it seems to be helping some.
My doc just increase the dose (and I feel just a wee bit woozy =AD I know
it=B9ll take a while to get adjusted to the higher level).   He also
that I might be a candidate for the pump.

My ortho doc also written a script for a scooter (YEA)!!    The one I=B9ve
chosen is the Rascal 325 (altho I may change my mind and go with the Rascal
305 due to the cost).   Does anyone have any current experience (good or
bad) with this scooter?   I just heard that Rascal use to be pretty bad bac=
in the late 1980=B9s =AD early 1990=B9s.   Any input would be helpful before
actually make the call tomorrow.

Thanks!!  =20
Cherie from Iowa
[log in to unmask]

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citizens, whatever their background.   We must remember that any oppression=
any injustice, any hatred, is a wedge designed to attack our civilization.
            Franklin D. Roosevelt