>    i do not mind if mag sticks with her cousin, i just do not think she is
> going to persuade them. she can always try. it is  her right to do so. it
> is a right that has been died for, and a right that the poor iraqi people
> do not have at this time.

The USA do not have a very good track record in nurturing democracy in other
countries (when they have acted unilaterally rather than part of an
international coalition),

I would point to germany and japan, but, ww2 was multinational, then again
chamberlain and his "peace in our time" came right to mind when I saw the
anti war marchers with the same slogan on their signs. I think when all is
said ands done blair will look more like churchhill than chamberlain. I'll
go with bush and blair on this one.

Although I'll give you this, there is lots of opposition there.