<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Good news!  My candida infection is GONE!  I just received positive test
results this week.  Whoo hoo!  About a year ago, even though I had been
totally gluten free for nearly a year, I was still suffering horrid GI
symptoms -- constipation, diarrhea, GAS, abdominal pain, weight loss,
tons & tons of food reactions, etc.  I was a mess.  My GI specialist
threatened to put me on intravenous feedings if I couldn't stop losing
weight.  He referred me to a naturopath in Seattle.  The naturopath did a
full GI work up from the naturopathic perspective including testing for
food allergies, intestinal parasites, candida, stool pH, etc.  (Tests
that conventional doctors don't even recognize as legitimate.)  I came
out very high in candida, with abnormally high stool pH & multiple food
allergies.  I was put on a special diet & was prescribed various
probiotics & antifungals which I took faithfully.  I improved only
marginally.  But, when my naturopath finally put me on stomach acid
replacement with digestive enzymes, I really started turning around.  All
the nasty GI  symptoms melted away.  Now my bowel functions very
normally.  What a relief!  The digestive aid with acid replacement I use
is called BIO-GEST & is made by Thorne.  It's so effective at controlling
yeast & bacterial overgrowth that I don't need probiotics anymore.
BIO-GEST is available at naturopathic dispensaries & some compounding
pharmacies.  It's also available on line.  Search for THorne products &
you'll find several sites that sell it.  It's not the only good digestive
aid product out there.  When you look for one, make sure it contains
betaine hydrochloride (or glutamic acid hydrochloride) and pepsin.  And
buy capsules rather than tablets for better tolerance.  For more
information about HCl supplementation, please read this amazing book, WHY
STOMACH ACID IS GOOD FOR YOU by Jonathan Wright MD and prepare your mind
for a paradigm shift!
        This experience has made me a zealous "convert" to naturopathic
medicine.  I quit my job working in a conventional family practice & now
work in an alternative clinic.  My loyalty lies with those that healed
me!  ~Valerie in Tacoma, WA

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