 > < EVIL exist because good peoples do nothing !>
Make love not war, eat vegetarian!

 > HItler had full support of german peoples as BUsh have full support of US
 > citizens either by helping  him or by not acting against his politic.

Are you joking!  The only reason the germans want to prevent war is because
they have money at stake or systems sold to Iraq that they don't want found.
Maybe it is because they know what will happen to Israel if Saddam gets the

 > In war there is no health possible , so it is very much on topic for this
 > list.

I doubt it, as you can see the division it brings to a peaceful group of

Without war, their is no  freedom and without freedom there is no health!!!

My heritage is German which at this point makes me sick.  Maybe someday they
will learn what it means to be ruled by a tyrant.  If anyone should have
learned you wou think it would be them.
