Hi Olivia,
Sorry if I'm off subject here, I've "skipped" this thread until now.

Do a google search for lots of info.

My own dentist told me of his own experience with this.
He also said that the periodentist he refers concurs with
him about the amazing wonderfulness of toothpastes
that contain this. Certain of his patients who were
"close to losing their teeth" due to gum and bone
problems, rallied around to unbelievable mouth
health after about two months of using a toothpaste
that was based on tea tree oil.

He said there are "varieties" of tea trees.  One is called:
mella luca.  It is claimed to be the best.  I have the name
of these two "patients" with their phone numbers.  I have
meant to call them and get info on where they ordered
their product.

Not sure if this info can be helpful?