In a message dated 2/2/2003 3:52:12 AM Eastern Standard Time, [log in to unmask] writes:

Four years after the takeover, inspectors from the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration found more than 150 safety hazards.

Yeah, if you think the idiots at OSHA are going to help eliminate these problems you're sadly mistaken. That organization is nothing but a waste of taxpayers money. In 2001 I sent a letter to the local office here complaining of hazardous conditions in this chemical plant. Prior to this letter, a worker was burned with a 320 degrees acidic liquid, another employee received a chemical burn while walking past a scale tank holding sulfuric acid That had over flowed. The pump is supposed to stop pumping the acid at a predetermined weight. OSHA never showed up one time. They soon came out after my letter and conducted an audit of the plant that utilizes 96-98% sulfuric acid, 35-37% fuming hydrochloric acid and 50% caustic soda in the manufacturing process. Although some items were taken care of most were right back to normal soon after their visit. Also the fines levied against the company were all reduced substantially after OSHA's return visit. Screw corporate America and OSHA. I would like to say a couple of other things but we have been instructed to clean it up. So, I will refrain from speaking my mind. Well, is everyone having a nice day? Breathe in and out, it sure is beautiful outside today, breathe in and out. Hey, I'm okay know. Thanks Deb for the story. I needed something to give me that extra spark.
