On Mon, 3 Feb 2003 11:33:11 -0500, Robert Zeoli <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>My kids have a AT mid tower sytle pentium 200 that I would like to upgrade a little for them.  Are there any options available for this style case? I am thinking I would need to replace the motherboard, ram, and processor.
>Thank you.
>                         PCBUILD's List Owners:
>                      Bob Wright<[log in to unmask]>
>                       Drew Dunn<[log in to unmask]>

Hi Robert,

I've been looking into this also.  I found a neat thing offered every so often on eBay called the "Renaissance" adapter.  It's made by the company "Powerleap" (I have a different Powerleap 1.3Ghz Slot 1 adapter in my old 440BX PC).  This goes into an open PCI slot & basically takes over everything from the original mobo.  It will bring you up to- their suggestion- an AMD 450mhz CPU w/decent amount of SDRAM.  I can't promise that there will be one there when you look but check back every once in a while.  I think the set up I've described ran in the neighborhood of $80.
Here's one on the site now:


Just an idea,
Lynn Tracy

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