On Friday, February 28, 2003, at 05:04AM, Kim Kline <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

 >>Have you ever tried stevia?  I have heard of it, but never tried it.  I
 >>have been using splenda, but it makes me crave sweets.  I think I will give
 >>it a try in some ice tea.  I usually just drink plain water as I get too
 >>addicted to diet soda, expecially diet coke.  Thanks to everyone for all
 >>the suggestions.  We have a place here in Arizona that grows and sells
 >>dates, so I will have to order some of those and try to find unsweetened

Theres a store called "The Nut House" that sells
dates (and nuts!) and stuff in the Phoenix area.
The probably have unsweetened coconut as well.

Arizona has the best dates anywhere as far as I'm concerned.