On Mon, 24 Feb 2003 09:13:53 -0800, Mary French <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

 >For those concerned about vitamins, Voegtlin's book The Stone Age Diet has
a chart demonstrating that all the necessary vitamins can be obtained from
meat, with the exception of C, which apparantly can be manufactured by the
body, because Inuits eating a meat-only diet do not get scurvy (but sailors
eating salt-preserved meats did)

I've read that almost all living creatures can produce their own vitamin C,
but that humans, apes and guinea pigs unfortunately lack this ability. If
that's true, then inuits must have gotten their vitamin C either from some
parts of the animals they were eating or some other source. I've read
somewhere that raw whale skin is
  a sufficient source of vitamin C.
