>Date:    Thu, 20 Feb 2003 09:23:35 +1000
 >From:    Phosphor <[log in to unmask]>
 >Subject: Re: supplements

 >>Another thing is that the body does not eliminate certain >vitamins and
 >minerals when an excess is reached. The body
 >>stores them. But if they come in whole food form the body >naturally gets
 >rid of excess.
 >ive never heard of this. which ones?

Calcium for a start. When intracellular calcium exceeds Mg you are in for a
lot of problems. The ones I had for 20 years. I have only balanced this by
going paleo. Any supplement will upset my equilibrium now. But then it took 20
years to reach this state so I am probably more sensitive than most.

For more from Dr. Vladimir Shmitsman, M.D., H.D.

   Despite what vitamin companies tell us, natural vitamins are not 100%
natural, as they would be if we derived them from food - and they never will
be. Insulin injections will never be the same as natural insulin. Regardless
of how hard we work to reproduce natural substances such as the body it
produces, we can never duplicate them exactly. I do recognize we have poor
soil and that our fruits and vegetables do not contain enough minerals and
vitamins, but also I recognize that manufactured vitamins have to be taken in
moderation, in cycles, so that the body has an opportunity to cleanse itself,
eliminate gelatine capsules, etc. and also to make sure our body does not
develop a tolerance to the extended use of such products

I have heard many arguments that our soil has become weak and it does not have
all the microelements as it had before, and that this leads to the decreasing
of vitamins and minerals content in vegetables and fruit. I agree, and I am
even ready to give vitamins to the patients by the short courses and only
several times a year, but not constantly =96 from month to month during the
years. Only something alive creates life. An apple growing on the tree carries
not only a vitamin C inside, but also the energy the Universe, the energy of
the vibration of the sun, moon, stars and the Earth. In Chinese medicine we
call it Chi-energy, in Indian medicine =96 Prana, on the West =96 biological
energy. No laboratory, not even the best ones, can fill their tablets of
vitamins and minerals with this energy.

Just as we become tolerant of recurrent noises and other annoyances in our
physical environment, we can also create a tolerance for something that we
take for a long period of time. Therefore minerals and vitamins that used to
be effective a few months ago become ineffective in our system and no longer
respond in the same positive way they did prior to the tolerance build up. In
the same way that antibiotics become ineffective after a while, so to do other
treatments after a long enough period of time. Long-term research shows that
when we break the treatment of vitamins and minerals into cycles, they remain
much more effective in our bodies.

The duodenum processes some vitamins, such as B12, B6, B1, beta-carotene, etc,
the main area, which either produces or accepts these same vitamins from the
food we eat. What happens over a long period of time when we take artificial
vitamins is that they build up in the blood and
the system doesn=92t need to get
them from food anymore and therefore it becomes lazy and forgets how to
produce these vitamins on its=92 own. After two of three years when you stop
taking these vitamins the system gets worst because it is no longer able to
derive the same vitamins from their natural sources. In other words, our
digestive system forgets how to do its=92 job.

By using cycles of treatment we supplement our supply but do not interfere
with the body=92s natural processes. For example, by improving the condition of
the kidneys with homeopathy, we stop the loss of minerals by =91plugging the
hole=92 causing mineral loss.