Robert McGlohon wrote:

  >Could anyone tell me just how this list got started?
  > a May 12, 1997, post from Grant Magnuson on his second day
  >as listowner.
  >  But where did the idea come from,

This is one of the lists that I have set up on maelstrom. The first was
no-milk. All of my lists start with co-owners, and Grant Magnuson was the
co-owner of this list. Paleo diet related lists go back to when Staffan
Lindeberg and others were posting in I thought a list
should be started (I already had no-milk). Dean Esmay (active in low carb)
was so excited at the idea that he started one on his own computer using a
list of people I found that posted interest in the subject. It didn't last
long. In January 1997 I put up the link page. Then in March
1997 I set up PaleoDiet list on maelstrom with Dean Esmay as primary owner.
We started with the names we had from the first list. Dean wanted the list
to be research. He wanted subscription by owner where you listed your
credentials. He wanted posts footnoted. Then Grant came along and said why
not a support list? So Grant wrote the charter and PaleoFood was born.
Meanwhile, PaleoDiet became inactive, and Dean dropped the
Internet--becoming a father and employee. Grant had been dropping in here
every once in a while and lurking.

  >and who were the first members,
  >and how did the first members hook up?

As for promoting the list: I posted in newsgroups, others posted on lowcarb
lists. Maybe we posted on PaleoDiet. Then we sent to a mailing list that
just announced new mailing lists. We put it on web pages. And then Grant
promoted it, and his other low-carb lists, on his web site.
