Some motors need a mixture of gasoline and oil in order to work. With only
gasoline the motor won't work, or it will sooner or later collapse. With
only oil the motor won't work at all. When the ratio of the volyme of
gasoline to the volyme of oil is incorrect the motor won't work, or it will
work more or less badly, or it will crash sooner or later. Only the correct
ratio will make the motor work properly, if all other necessary conditions
are met.

By motor I mean of course the human body or some part of the human body,
and by the oil and gasoline I mean any two substances that the body or the
particular part needs for some good reason.

Now, please correct me and tell me that this analogy of mine is incorrect
or partly incorrect, and then convince me that it's harmless to take
plements, or at least some of them.
