>You need to read "The Cholesterol Myth" Uffe Ravnskov,MD.  After my dad had
 >a heart attack they put him on the cholesterol meds (at the behest of the
 >pharmaceutical company that makes billions on these drugs) and he became
 >very ill.  His cholesterol was 220@ age 70, mine as paleo is 215 ish @42.
 >He did some research and then took himself off the meds.  He is back to
 >normal now, but we have all learned allot.

Hi Jeff;

I don't plan to take medication unless I have exhausted every dietary means
of reducing LDL cholesterol and even then I'd do research before making that
decision. I don't think I will ever have to though as my LDLs are only
marginally higher (3.85) than high-normal (3.40). I would like to bring up
my HDLs (1.45) to high-normal (2.40) or beyond.

 >2. homocystine, c-reactive, ferritin, iron and other tests are far more
 >predictive of arteriosclerosis than cholesterol.

How does one check for those or ensure that they are in one's diet? I don't
see them listed in the lab report that I have.

 >3. milk of any kind- I would not touch the stuff unless raw and on rare
 >occasion similar to paleo people taking down a nursing animal.

I drink milk for two reasons - for my coffee (I will never drink it black)
and it's help in getting me to sleep.

 >4. Our family all now avoid polyunsaturated fats to the extent possible
 >since much of the buried research indicates it is one of the pivotal items
 >in the development of arteriosclerosis, cancer and rapid ageing.

What does the research say about nuts?
