Kim Kline wrote:
 >Paleo Diet book, it says to limit eggs to 6 a week.  Does the same go if you
 >just eat the egg whites and not the yolks?

Bad news to eat the white and not the yolk. Egg whites contain avidin
which binds to biotin (vitamin B 8, I think that is). Avidin is mostly
neutralised by cooking.

The yolk on the other hand contains all sorts of nutritional goodies.
Personally I wouldn't start to worry about egg consumption until I
was eating about 6 a day. But I don't like them enough to eat that

I imagine Cordain is on some cholesterol buzz when he says to avoid
eggs. Better in my non-medical opinion to eat as many eggs as you
like and not to stress yourself out over it. The stress is much
worse for you than the dietary cholesterol.
