On Sun, 16 Feb 2003 11:35:56 -0700, Jeff Keller
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

 >A polyunsaturated fat is a fat missing four or more hydrogen atoms. This
 >results in increased free radical damage to the cells.

This week I've been at home all the time and reading. Right now I'm on four
different distance computer courses at once. And I've been eating a lot of
walnuts (in shell), and I mean a lot! I've never done it before. A while
ago I went to the bathroom and then when I was done I took a closer look in
the mirror and noticed that my nose problem had partly returned i.e. there
was tallow on its surface and the skin was a bit inflamed. It really
chocked me and for a moment I lost faith in paleo diet. But then I calmed