> Dr. Wright says that many
 > people do not have enough stomach acid to properly digest their food,
 > especially meat.  Also, that many people who think they have too much
 > stomach acid actually have too little.

Hydrochloric acid (HCL), which is produced by glands in the stomach, is
necessary for the breakdown and digestion of many foods.  Insufficient
amounts of HCL can lead to indigestion.  HCL levels often decline with age.

You can determine if you need more hydrochloric acid with this simple test.
Take a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice.  If this makes your
indigestion go away, then you need more stomach acid.  If it makes your
symptoms worse, then you have too much acid, and you should take care not to
take any supplements that contain HCL.

source: Prescription for Nutritional Healing
