On Wed, 12 Feb 2003 19:26:46 -0700, Jeff Keller <[log in to unmask]>

 >Violence to protect self and
 >family/group/tribe is plainly paleo.  War is paleo.  If we were discussing
 >the invention of religion which is plainly non-paleo and off topic I could
 >understand all these off topic banner's,


Everyone has their particular concept which they don't like and is therefore

All of that is semantics, depending on how you define "war" or "religion".

In Tibet, the word used for religion is literally translated as "what is".
Clearly, people in the paleolithic era thought about "what is", and therefore
"religion" is clearly "paleo".

However, that doesn't make either subject on-topic for this list...

... but there is a Paleolife list which covers all aspects of living in the
lifestyle of our Paleolithic ancestors at:


Discussion may include any topic that is related to the difference between
living today and living in the Paleolithic Era, in terms of how it affects the
physical, mental and spiritual health of human beings (any religious discussion
must have some connection to this topic).

PS  Saddam and Hitler are off-topic in that list too, since they lived in the
Neolithic period...


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