>Fasting is the "ketogenic kickstart" which can get you there more quickly.

If one reeeeeeeeally wants to see some weight loss, is it best to fast once
in a while, or not?  I've sometimes wondered if doing it for a day here and
there might help.  It does give me a nice 'fresh start' feeling but if it's
a moot point, why bother?

I will say this.  I had brain surgery in '93 for a benign tumor in my left
temporal lobe.  The warning sign was complex-partial seizures which left me
unable to read, speak and understand speech.  One day of fasting doesn't
hurt me but I've tried three-day 'fat fasts' (1,000 calories/day fat only)
and by day two, seizures.  So doing this for more than a day isn't a grand
idea in my case.  I'm thinking more along the lines of one day a week IF it
would help.


Dori Zook
Denver, CO