Kathy Schwinghammer <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
 > Hi there, paleo-pals - I've
 > never
 > fasted before, though, and I'm feeling a little cautious, wondering
 > what side
 > effects I might experience.

I have gone on a number of fasts over the years (usually 2-3 days) mainly on
water.  I have also done an 8 day juice fast
(watermelon juice).  You will probably
experience intermittent weakness and bouts of energy, lassitude, headaches (on
and off), coated tongue.  I would generally recommend you just lie around and
read a book.  3 days is not too difficult.  Just
don't break a fast like I did once -
with a bag of chocolate PICNIC bars (vegetable soup would be better). Not a
comfortable experience:-).

