Sean McBride wrote:
 >   There are only a couple
 > of recorded uses of it by Aborigines.  Aborigines also eat the Maloga bean
 > (Vigna lanceolata) in its raw state.  I am not a botanist so I don't know if
 > these plants actually are in the legume family.  They certainly look like
 > beans in pods.

A lot of legumes. Acacia seeds are legumes.
Some can be eaten immature. Some can be leeched or sprouted.
Some need to be heated. Aborigines do all this.
Do you have the Australian Aborigine Plant food data (1 mb PDF)?

 > However just because they have eaten them in recent times doesn't mean they
 > were eaten in Paleo times.

There's a good documentation at


Amadeus S.