[log in to unmask] writes:
 > while. The ketostix have been showing
 > low to moderate ketosis for two weeks now, and I've been doing a hard
 > weight workout every two or three days, but I haven't lost a single
 > pound. Anyone else experience this sort of difficulty? Atkins is really
 > supposed to work and I've been able to lose weight before. I'm eating a
 > fair amount of fat, but that's what Atkins says to do, and he doesn't
 > say to count calories. One thing I'm wondering about is why my basal
 > body temperature is so low (96.8 F)

Sounds like me -- I too can go into ketosis and not lose weight; I can go
into ketosis, count and keep my  calories low, exercise, do weights and still
not lose weight. Often, I too have a low body temperatue -- sometimes down
into the 95 something range -- at least according to my thermometer. Yet
because of hot flashes I often feel hot. Go figure. My doctor says my thyroid
hormones are fine. Personally I am tired of obsessing about my weight -- it's
not worth the extra time I might live if thinner. It's ruining the time I'm
alive now. I figure all I can do is eat healthy, exercise, meditate, etc. and
enjoy life. My body is stubbornly hanging on to the excess fat -- maybe it
knows something m